Calendar of Events



Event Information:

  • Sat

    Pine Grove Cemetery Guided Tour

    11:00 amPine Grove Cemetery

    Saturday, July 31 - 11:00 am

    $7 HHS members, $10 non-members

    West Harwich resident and HHS life member J. Duncan Berry will be leading an "illustrated tour" of the Pine Grove Cemetery in West Harwich. Making use of the Historical Society's vast collection of digitized photographs and other sources, Berry will present a cross section of the village's more colorful and historically significant individuals, families, and institutions. Beginning with the Chase family's multi-generational role in the preeminence of the village, the tour will present highlights from several of the many noteworthy sea captains buried here as well as a discussion of the two ministers who maintained the vitality of the Baptist Church for a century. Some of the more interesting and overlooked town characters, from physicians and talented artists, will also be discussed.

    Duration: 50 minutes
    Meet at the tall marble obelisk at the Cemetery. Parking is available along Pine Grove Road.