Calendar of Events



Event Information:

  • Fri

    2023 Lantern Tour - Oct. 13

    5:00, 5:30, 6:00 pmPine Grove Cemetery

    Friday, October 13th

    $10 HHS members, $12 non-members

    Have you ever looked at a cemetery and wondered about who is there, what they did, and how they died? This year our Lantern Tours will encounter sea captains, suffragettes, and people who met a dramatic end in West Harwich. Explore Pine Grove Cemetery with us and meet some of the folk that make West Harwich fascinating!
    Tours will take place at 5:00, 5:30, and 6:00 pm (6pm time slot is now FULL). Park and meet at the Pine Grove Cemetery in West Harwich. Each tour will last approximately one hour. Reservations are required, space is limited.
    To reserve a spot on this tour, please fill out the form below: